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Thinking oF yoU T-shirt Iron on Doll 6

Thinking oF yoU T-shirt Iron on Doll 6

Regular price $20.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 CAD
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DTF - Direct to Film Transfers are Digital Heat Transfers that use low heat, which allows for a vibrant, full-colour image printing using eco-friendly water-based ink to create a heat transfer with limitless possibilities.

Font can be seen on both black and white t-shirts.


1) Set heat press temperature to 275˚F - 320˚F.

2) Pre-press the garment/material for 3-5 seconds to remove creases and excess moisture.

3) Place the DTF transfer image into your desired position on the garment/material.

4) Heat press the DTF transfer for 10-15 seconds with medium to firm pressure.

5) Set the garment/material aside and wait for it to be completely cooled off before peeling the transfer film (cold peel).

6) Repress the garment/material (with the film removed) for 5-8 more seconds with a Teflon sheet or parchment paper to increase the longevity and durability of the design.


Tips | Suggestions

• Start with a lower temperature and increase if needed to avoid scorching the garment/material.

• Peel the transfer film off slowly, if the transfer is not fully adhered for any reason, you can repress the garment/material by repeating step 4 with the film still on.


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